如何跟客戶溝通設計決策 -網上推廣 |
在工作中是否遇到和產品經理意見不合的時候?自己的創意得不到肯定?我在網上發現了一篇文章,主要講得就是設計師和商務人士交流的問題,思路清晰并很系統。 我翻譯了一下,希望對各位同行有所幫助。(上為Brian Armstrong 原文,下綠色為我的譯稿) You may have noticed that in certain business and marketing circles there exists a “backlash” against the design community. Despite the rise of attractive, user-friendly solutions, in such circles unattractive designs have somehow managed to remain at the verge of acceptance. You’ll hear ideas being thrown around like “design is a waste of time — we have a really ugly site which outsells our competitors 3 to 1″ or “we are not worried about the design, we’ll outsource it or use a free Wordpress theme, let us focus more on the product”. 您可能已經注意了,一些商務人士對設計存在著一種抵觸。盡管視覺效果和可用性逐漸提升,仍有一些設計難被接受。您會在周圍聽到“設計就是浪費時間,即使網站很難看,我們的銷量仍然是競爭對手3倍。”或“我們并不擔心設計,我們可以將它外包,或使用免費的WordPress主題,讓我們更專注于產品吧。”之類的看法。 You can almost sense a little bit of pride in how ugly their web-site is, or that they are treating design like a commodity. However off base these types of thoughts might be, there is clearly a lack of respect for designers in the business community at times. I’d like to address how you can shatter this barrier and talk to business folk in a language they understand. 當接觸他們丑陋的網站,以及把設計看做商品的態度后,您可能會有一點不屑。但您不應有這樣的想法,他們這樣是因為確實有時缺乏對設計商業作用的重視。下邊我來教您如何清除這一障礙,用他們理解的商業語言與之交談。 This article provides you with 5 guidelines you can use as a designer to “speak business” — even if it’s just to get your foot in the door or land a big project. 本文會給您5條準則,您可以把它們當作“設計師談商業”,即使這只能讓您在一個大項目中插上一小足。 1. Pretty doesn’t mean effective: statistics are your friend! Designers like to show off portfolios. It can look stunning, but business people like to see numbers. What was the conversion rate on that opt in? What was the bounce rate and average time on site? What was the most clicked on link from the home page? 設計師喜歡炫耀作品集,它可能看起來很炫,但是商務人員更看重數字。什么是轉換率?什么是跳出率和平均網站停留時間?主頁上點擊次數最多的鏈接是什么? To a business person, “beautiful” or “visually stunning” are just a first step. They only really matter if “beautiful” or “visually stunning” turns into more sales. Probably the worst offender here is the classic “all flash” site that is gorgeous and completely impossible to use or update. Everything has a cost/benefit trade off, and that includes design. 對于商務人員,“美麗”或“逼真”僅僅是第一步。他們唯一真正關注的是“美麗”或“逼真”怎樣轉化為更多的銷量。也許最明顯的案例就是經典全FLASH網站,絢麗但是完全難于使用和更新。一切事物都要考慮投入產出比,當然也包括設計。 Compare these two sites for a moment. The first is from 2Advanced Studios and includes some fancy animation. 對比下面兩個網站。前一個是2Advanced工作室的,上面有一些絢麗的動畫。
Despite being uglier, we can probably agree that Perry’s site is significantly better at getting new customers. It may not be better in other areas, but it all depends on what the goal of the site is. Speaking of which…
盡管有些難看,但我們或許可以認同,Perry的網站在招攬新顧客上明顯成功很多。一個網站在別的領域不出色無所謂,重要的是要實現建立目標。下面談到這里... 2. Every design should have a measurable goal Saying that the goal is to “build the brand of XYZ” or “create an online presence” is basically meaningless to a business-minded person. A goal is only a goal if it is measurable. 如果跟商務人士說,目標就是 “建立某某品牌” 或 “創建線上資訊” ,那是毫無意義的。目標只有一個,那就是可衡量(讓我想起了柯南。。There is just only one turth!)。 What are some good examples of a measurable goal? Generating leads, making sales, number of phone calls, opt-ins, subscribers, incoming links, PageRank etc. Instead of trying to convince them that “attractive visual design of this sign-up form would attract more visitors” present them real numbers such as “in the past this design solution effectively increased the conversion rates by 35%”.
一些關于可衡量目標的好例子有哪些呢?尋找線索、銷售、來電數量、“單向確認”郵件列表、訂閱、網站的導入鏈接和PR值等。不要試圖說服他們,比如“出色的視覺設計會吸引更多用戶注冊”,而要有真實數字,比如“使用這個設計方案以來,轉換率提高了35 % ”。
According to Luke Wroblewski’s findings in his book “Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks”, one single design decision related to the design of sign-up forms has increased the conversion rates up to 40%. 據Luke Wroblewski在其著作《網頁窗體設計:填空》的調查結果 ,一個有關注冊形式的設計決策提高了40%轉換率。 Try saying to a business person: “we split tested this design, and A converted 21% of subscribers while B converted 38%, and our confidence interval on this data is very narrow”. Now you are speaking their language! 嘗試和一個商務人士說:“我們用兩種方法分別測試了這個設計,甲帶來了21 %的用戶轉換,而乙是38 %,我們對于這個數據的可靠區間太狹小了。” 現在您就在以他們的方式說話。 Try to get inside the head of a prospective customer. Imagine them with a burning pain or question, frantically clicking back and forth on the first page of Google results that came up. Realistically, they are making a decision whether to stick around or try the next result after scanning your site for about 1 second. This brings me to my next point… 嘗試進入潛在用戶的腦中。想象一下,他們承受著焦躁和困擾,瘋狂地從搜索結果的第一頁跳來跳去。實際上,他們在網站停留大約1秒鐘后,正在決定是堅持,還是嘗試下一個結果。這讓我想到我下一點... |
- Oct 10 Wed 2012 11:35